companion. coach. mentor. guide

I spent my early years between the lush tropics of Kerala, India and the dry desolate city scapes of the Middle East. The nomadic lifestyle of those years led me towards a life-long quest for a simpler, more harmonious way of belonging to the world.

Having settled in California to raise a family, I soon committed to a contemplative life, practicing yoga and mindfulness meditation (Vipassana). As I geared towards sharing my practice with the wider community, I pursued Yoga Teacher Training (500 YTT - Himalayan Institute). My classes are slow and meditative with a focus on strength and surrender, inviting mindful awareness of the body, and settling into each moment through movement, stillness and breath. Two decades of consistent meditation practice both in-home and while on retreats have instilled a deep understanding and respect of the human mind, its limitless potential and its capacity to create turmoil.

As a trauma-informed coach (ISITTA), certified in the Hakomi method, I hold space with warmth, compassion and gentle curiosity.

In addition to teaching yoga at the Davis Yoga Collective and the Prison Yoga Project, I also work at the Davis Forest School where I lead self-guided nature exploration for children and families. As I settle into a life of service, my goal is to support a way of life that is simple, intentional, and rooted in authenticity, community and connection.